Well, I am glad that you are not calling me a name for disagreeing with you again, as usual in my case.
Oh, good. I thought it was just me he did that to.
He also likes to use his moderator privilege to edit my posts. In another thread, where I made two long and detailed refutations of a poster's posts he happened to agree with, he just deleted them.
And yet, when somebody breaks the rules, we have to beg and plead for the moderators to address it.
Unfortunately, this place has become no better than CARM, where a corrupt moderating staff has turned it into a playground for trolls.
Let's see, a federal action under a Democrat FDR and a federal action (imprisonment of Debs) under a Democrat Woodrow Wilson--it was the Democrats who put people in concentration camps. Democrats controlled Congress and Democrats controlled the White House. FDR had 4 terms.
Oh, and it was Democrat Obama who put that poor Egyptian in prison, charging him with the responsibility of Benghazi.
I'm sure this will be edited out or deleted, but no matter how much Squire Robertsson wants to defend his Progressive heroes, the fact remains that EO 9066, the executive order that sent Japanese Americans to prison camps with no due process and for no reason other than their ethnicity, is squarely on FDR's shoulders.