Salty, your assertion is false. Skin color has nothing to do with blood transfusions or organ transplants. I suggest you stop reading fake news.Yet there are differences:
It has long been known that blood transfusions and organ transplants work best between people of the same race. Until the Second World War, stocks of blood were routinely segregated by race for this reason. Classification by race was ended when it was discovered to be “racist,” but blood banks are re-instituting segregation.
The distribution of the common blood types is different from race to race, and some rare types are unique to certain races. Only blacks have U negative blood; only whites have Vel negative or Lan negative blood. Dr. W. Laurence Marsh of the New York Blood Center justifies racial classification: “It makes no sense to screen 100,000 whites for U negative when no U negative white person has ever been found.”
Kidneys and other organs are classified by race for similar reasons. About 20 percent of blacks are so genetically incompatible with whites that they reject organs from all white donors.
Above info from this link:
Race and Physical Differences - American Renaissance
Here's what the author of your link says:
It is only through separation that nature can produce that culmination of true diversity: a new species.
The author has zero documentation for his claims, has not been peer reviewed and is a social darwinist. You should cringe at using this article as your source for your assertion.
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