Not sure about the details concerning your link's situation, but here's my $0.02 ----
There is a sense in which the local church has some authority in some areas of an individual's life, but I personally don't think that what you're talking about is within a local church's realm of authority.
I can see maybe explaining to a pastor what you are trying to do, but I fail to see that you'd necessarily have to "clear it" with him (or whatever your church's particular "power structure" may be).
Where I'm a member ( ), the "powers that be" have for several years now released her members to do whatever they want to (within sensible limits) in order to reach out to others. Maybe it's a "kindness outreach" wherein we do some simple but needly things for those who are less fortunate than we may be.
OTOH, it may involve what may ultimately become a separate "church plant" such as what we've done in an area of Nashville where there's plenty of refugees and other displaced people from all over the world who maybe have never heard the Gospel.
Your situation may be different than ours depending on where you live, etc. We are in a transient area of the city of Nashville; you may (for example) be in a less heavily-populated area or one that has a different demograohic than ours.
Whatever you firmly believe the Lord has called you to do (w/in the confines of the NT principles of course), then I say "Go for it," but I'd advise you to at least let your pastor know what you're doing & why. If he's got a problem w/ it, then, for the most part, that's HIS problem, not yours.
We sometimes try to box others into a mold that really shouldn't exist. A wise old brother in Christ once told me that he knows what the "Seven Last Words of the Church" are:
"We've Never Done It That Way Before!!"
Unfortunately, in many cases today (& I'd add, to our shame), what he said is so true true.