Exactly! That is the very reason that Spurgeon re-introduced the 1689 Confession to his church in 1855 and had a copy of it buried in the foundations of the Metropolitan Tabernacle when it was built.One of my favorites, and a comment I believe can be applied here (although spoken about election):
“But if you do not see it to be here in the Bible, whatever I may say, or whatever authorities I may plead, I beg you as you love your souls, reject it; and if from this pulpit you ever hear things contrary to this sacred word, remember that the Bible must be the first, and God’s minister must be subject to it. We must not stand on the Bible to preach, but we must preach with the Bible above our heads. After all we have preached, we are well aware that the mountain of truth is higher than our eyes can discern; clouds and darkness are around its summit, and we cannot discern its topmost pinnacle; yet we will try to preach it as well as we can. But since we are mortal and liable to error, exercise your judgment; “Test the spirits to see whether they are from God;” and if on mature reflection on your bended knees, you are led to disregard election–a thing which I consider utterly impossible–then forsake it, don’t listen to it preached, but believe and confess whatever you see to be God’s word. I can say no more than that by way of introduction.” Spurgeon
It was because he believed in Scripture Alone that he deemed a confession to be so absolutely necessary.