I can't rightly say that this Dad failed at discipline somewhere along the line, because we don't know that and to say it is assuming. I can see a lot of care in this guy for his girl, and a lot of frustration at the same time. I won't use this time to shine a light upon my rearing of children in contrast and comparison, and use this as a time to tell about how great things are with them. It's not necessary, I don't need validation, nor would doing so prove this Dad didn't raise her right.
However, I know of a few families that have raised their children right, with discipline, respect, courtesy and more, and they have grown up with a sense of appreciation, gratitude and responsibility. Yet within these same families there was a child who rebelled and reacted in this same manner as this girl, while the others were honoring to their parents, obedient &c. All of them were raised the same, some turned out responsible, another rebelled and disrespected their parents. It doesn't mean that the parents didn't raise them right.
Did Dad lose his cool? Yep. We all have, probably not to that extent though. God probably has it all on video as well. :love2:
He was foolish to put the video online. I can see authorities acting upon this, even to the extent he has to pay restitution to his daughter for the laptop, which he bought for her and gave to her as a gift.
I don't agree with his methods, but I do agree in taking her laptop away, just not via a handgun. Way over the top.
Listening to the video it sounds as if his daughter has rebelled time and again, and that they've had several incidents with her behavior. She has what other kids suffer from these days, the sense of entitlement.