I saw this test on Facebook and I went ahead and took it. I got a 38.
I really dislike these kinds of personality tests. I have been to several classes like this and seen quite a few tests that tell you what your personality is. The tests to see what are your “gifts of the spirit” are really the same thing. The results are usually vague as fortune cookies and people gasp and say “oh that’s me” but really they could describe a wide variety of people.
The reason I dislike these, no offense RD, thanks for sharing, but asking me 10 questions does not give you enough information to know me. I am a bit more complex than that. And 10 questions don’t give you enough information to label me and put me in a box. 10 questions will not tell you how I learn, what my strengths are, or how I will react or perform under certain circumstances.
If you want to get to know me it is going to take a bit more effort than that.
I know I am rambling now but, I remember filling in for a local pastor once 10 years ago or so. I had never met the pastor before and we planned to meet before services. I walked in to the church and the pastor looked at the bible I was carrying. It was a classic scofield red letter edition KJV. He looked at my bible and simply said, “I know everything about you I need to brother.” But the truth is he knew nothing about me.
I really hate being labeled and put in a box. I have been known to occasionally do something outrageous just to surprise people J