New Member
As I have been studying lately the Lord has been impressing upon me the need to be prepared. The wise virgins were prepared, the foolish ones suffered because they were not. Matthew, Mark and Luke all give the signs of the times and the Lord says these are the birth pangs and that things will get much worse. I believe we're living those birth pangs now. I've watched the recent events in Japan, the earthquake in Haiti and watched the weather even here this past winter and as the Spring has begun. Just yesterday we were hit by, what the Weather Channel called a storm of "epic proportions." (I disagree with that, Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne were far worse), but nonetheless we were without power for the majority of the day. It brought home to me that a major disaster here would mean no water, no electricity, no ability to cook, ....so how prepared should Christians be?
I've heard it argued that God will care for his children, citing the lillies of the field verse. On the other hand my mother always taught me that God helps those who help themselves.
I believe in the Rapture of the church, I'm not here to argue pre/post/au etc., but to ask if you believe Christians should prepare for the days God says is coming and how much should we do? Do we stockpile food and water? Do you think we need guns and ammunition for protection? How far do we go?
I've heard it argued that God will care for his children, citing the lillies of the field verse. On the other hand my mother always taught me that God helps those who help themselves.
I believe in the Rapture of the church, I'm not here to argue pre/post/au etc., but to ask if you believe Christians should prepare for the days God says is coming and how much should we do? Do we stockpile food and water? Do you think we need guns and ammunition for protection? How far do we go?