None of us are perfect, and therefore no candidate for President or President is perfect. It all goes back to for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Whether one agrees with Roger or not, it is a fact that 1988 was the start of a different trend in the Republican Party, within the context of everyone being flawed. It is also a fact that if Reagan had not picked Bush the First as a Vice President, that the outcome might have been different. Think about the names since Bush. After Bush ran in 88, came Bush in 92. Ask yourself why he lost compared to the Reagan landslides. Then in 96, came Dole, a weak candidate. It was almost like that year the Republicans punted before the campaign started. Again, there is a reason Clinton won reelection and Bush did not. Then, in 2000, here comes another Bush, probably not quite as liberal, but presented that definite medicore, moderate to liberal mindset. He barely won, as close as anyone could, and not lose. This was against a Democratic candidate that was basically a baffoon and had been part of an administration involved in scandal after scandal. He won again in 2004, not by much, but against an ultra liberal Democratic candidate. This is the point where the Republicans went into a death spiral.
First it was McCain, whom I ended up voting for after throwing up in the voting booth. McCain was at one time considered for VP on a Democratic ticket. No lessons were learned from that election. Obama thumped McCain big time. He took states like Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida.
This all reaches its low point in the form of Romney in 2012. Having learned nothing from 2008, we and the Republican Party kicked the can down the road. We have argued about this man time after time. Once again, the Republicans have lowered their standard. Moral standards and Christian beliefs are out the window. The only question remaining is will we learn anything in time for the 2016 election? Considering that this started in 1988, we are using up a good part of a life time to learn.
This puts conservatives that believe in the Constitution in a corner or a catch 22. Instead of having to think about which of the two candidates are best for this nation, we pound our heads asking when will do the least damage to our nation. The gap gets narrowwer and narrower.
Once again, I have changed my mind. It is nothing to be proud of. Once again I am going along with kicking the can down the road. because after much thought, I have concluded that Romney is less evil, less destructive, and less likely to expand government at the rate that this administration has than Obama. This is a pathetic standard, and each of us should hold our heads in shame. This great country has been reduced to this. Maybe it is what we deserve. These two are a reflection of us.
Yes, I am going to vote for Romney, and yes he will carry Kentucky. The question is, what is the end result regardless of who wins.