Paul is pretty clear in Galatians, there is only one gospel. A gospel that has Christ AND (anything else).. is absolutely false.
If Christ is the focus of their salvation then baptism, nor works for that matter (as both do the EXACT same thing), will enter into the equation. However Paul was having issues with these Judizers who stated it was not Christ's work alone that saved.. and Paul stated that if anyone (angel or apostle) brings to you some other gospel than 'by grace, through faith", they are condemned or damned (Gal 1:8).
I don't understand why we try to water down the gospel message to include everyone who names the name of Jesus.. yet Jesus Himself states that many, in that day, will say to me "Lord Lord" (or You are my Lord/God) and He will say to them I have never, no not ever, known you. Depart from me...
There are only 2 types of gospels in the world. The true gospel of Grace by faith.. and the worlds so-called gospel of salvation by works. Either it is fully about the work of Christ alone or one is not trusting in Christ.
That is my 2 cents worth.. otherwise you would have to acknowledge that all people who believe in Jesus to save (no matter how small or great His work on the Cross fulfilled) are saved - which includes Mormons, JW's, CoC, Catholics (Roman, Orthodox, Coptic), Seventh Day Adventists, and most any other kind of cult out there that states to any degree that Jesus saves you.