Let us examine the creation of the Baptist Sect Most scholars agree that The first Baptist congregations were organized in the beginning of the seventeenth century. The origin of the Baptists is connected with the name of John Smyth (d. 1612), pastor of a church at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, which had separated from the Church of England. Smyth baptized first himself, then the others. The reader should take note of the fact that he not only baptized himself, but that he started out as a preacher in the Anglican church, in Lincoln, England. Please take note of the fact that it was not the anabaptist, or mennonite church, but the Anglican church. As was also shown above, John Smith then joined the Seperatists, and then, at a later date, formed his own church and baptized himself, as well as several others. Hence, neither he, nor any other follower of his sect, has any right to claim any lineage whatsoever stemming from either the anabaptists, or anyone else for that matter – who predates Smith himself.
About 1606, pastor and flock, to escape persecution. In 1609, Smyth, rejected infant baptism, although he retained affusion. In this he was supported by his church. Some members of the congregation returned to England (1611 or 1612) under the leadership of Helwys (c. 1550-1616) and formed in London the nucleus of the first Baptist community. Persecution had abated, and they do not seem to have been molested. By 1626 there were in different parts of England five General Baptist churches; by 1644, they had increased, it is said, to forty-seven; and by 1660 the membership of the body had reached about 20,000. It was between 1640 and 1660 that the General Baptists began to claim that immersion was the only valid mode of baptism. They were persecuted by Charles II (1660-85) of England ; but the Act of Toleration (1689) brought relief and recognized the Baptists as the third dissenting denomination (Presbyterians, Independents, and Baptists).
Baptist Church:The leadership of Helwys and two others, John Smyth and John Mutron, proved decisive in the first two decades of the seventeenth century as the English "General Baptists" (that is, non-Calvinist, affirming an unrestricted or general (tonement for mankind) grew from a scarcely visible knot of believers in 1609 to around twenty thousand members by 1660. (Macmillan Copendium of World Religions © 1987)
Organizationally, Baptists originated in the early 17th century in Holland and England, with John Smyth (c. 1554–1612) and Thomas Helwys (c. 1560–1616), English separatists from the Anglican church, as leaders.(Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia© 1998-2000)
The General Baptists were first to appear. In 1608 religious persecution induced a group of Lincolnshire Separatists to seek asylum in Holland. A contingent settled in Amsterdam with John Smyth (or Smith), (© 1999-2000 Britannica)
Most scholars, however, agree that Baptists, as an English-speaking denomination, originated within 17th-century Puritanism as an offshoot of Congregationalism.(© 1999-2000 Britannica)
John Smyth and Thomas Helwys, English separatists of Congregational persuasion, founded the first Baptist church on Dutch soil at Amsterdam in 1609...Helwys returned to an unfriendly England. There, in 1611 or 1612, he led a small group of Christians in establishing the first Baptist church on English soil, at Spitalsfield, near London. As they grew in number, English Baptists came to be divided between General Baptists and Particular Baptists.(Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia© 1998-2000)
Baptist Church Early history...In 1606 John Smyth (or Smith), a former Anglican preacher in Lincoln, was serving as minister of a group of Separatists at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. Thomas Helwys, a noted Separatist, was active in this group. About 1608 religious persecution induced Smyth and Helwys tolead their congregation to asylum in the Netherlands. Some settled in Amsterdam, with Smyth as their minister... Smyth’s views were set forth in The Character of the Beast, a pamphlet issued in 1609. In that same year 36 adherents joined him in forming a new church on the principle of baptizing believers only. He baptized himself and others by applying water to the forehead. (Encyclopedia Americana © 1995 )

rotestant Christian denomination. Baptists permit baptism of believers only (as opposed to infant baptism) and practice baptism by immersion. The Baptist churches originated amid members of the English Separatist (Independents) movement and began (c1608) with the teachings of John Smyth, or Smith (c1570-1612). (Concise Dictionary of World History © 1986)
Baptists, denomination of Protestant Christians holding that baptism is only for believers and solely by immersion, begun (c.1608) by English SEPARATISTS in Amsterdam ( The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Third Edition Copyright © 1994,)
History of the Baptist Churches, In Holland a group of English separatists, led by John Smyth...formed c.1608 in Amsterdam the first English Baptist congregation. Smyth baptized first himself, then the others. In 1611 certain members of this congregation returned to London and established a church there. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition Copyright ©1993, )