I have the OP author on "Ignore" (since he mocked me when I seriously shared about my father), but I'm always happy to follow threads on evangelism. So here are my comments, for what they are worth. The short version is: be filled with the Spirit, go out to evangelize, and then God will use you to win souls.
1. We are commanded in Matthew's Great Commission to "teach all nations" (KJV), with the Greek word matheteuo, meaning "make a disciple." In other words, we are commanded to actually win people to Christ, then baptize them, then continue to teach them Christ's commands. Some Calvinists vehemently object to the idea that we can actually win souls to Christ, but men like J. I. Packer and Spurgeon are quite comfortable with the prospect. As I told the OP author several times in detail, it's all about the work of the Holy Spirit. We "win the soul" as God's obedient servant, but it is done in the power of the Holy Spirit, Who is the one who regenerates and saves.
2. We are to then continue to teach, which process is sometimes called follow-up, but "discipling" works fine. We must teach the new convert on a regular basis the next steps: church, baptism, personal devotions, sanctification, witnessing, etc. Our church has a detailed program with which to do this, and I am thrilled that God is using me currently to disciple two men every week. The contact is sweet--I talked to both of them on the phone yesterday: D is having car problems, and H was looking forward to our Bible study.
This brings up something. I believe the greatest harvest field in the US is middle-aged or old single men. These men are divorced or never married, and full of heartache and pain. They can be reached for Christ!