Pastor KevinR
New Member
Dear Posters, I just took a church over as pastor here back in September of 2000. The neighborhood is Indian by race for the most part, and nationally Guyanese and Trinidadians.I am having some difficulty reaching the people although I am starting to see my rapport with them improve. The previous Pastor was a hardline Fundamentalist who confronted the Hindus instead of being kind to them, as I've tried to let my neighboors know that as a White Christian, we are not all confrontational. Needless to say, I am trying to build bridges and let them know that Christ loves them and died for them (too). Another difficulty I'm having is that they see Jesus as just another manisfestation of God as they believe that there are many manisfestations.I've gone to our local library to research their religion, research the internet, etc. If anyone knows of good Christian books or internet sites, I'd greatly appreciate it.