The GOP don't want Rubio .... but he is the lessor of evils, so, one way or the other, the elites are pushing for the man they chastised for being too young. According to Rubio, they asked him to wait until he was older.
Sorry that you see him viable ... like Obeyme, he is not really qualified to be anything more then a "freshman" Senator that is tardy more then he is present. Gee, that is Obamaish too. Maybe your pick would be electable, after all voters don't want someone that can lead be example.
If elected, Rubio will be jetting around the world with his family, visiting as many exotic places as he can cram into his first term, while he and Congress lead this country by proxy absenteeism. Also, the illegals will continue to fllood our country, dragging it down to third world status with unlicensed food stands on every corner, flower vendors at every stop light, and protesters demanding equal access to everything citizens have access to. And Rubio will not lift a finger to make this nation a better place for the people that are legally here, and sinking fast into third world status.
No thanks to your choice brother. Moi thinks you need to think a little better about who you want running America. Just my opinion. Of course. But, we don't see this the same way. Shalom!
I don't see a lot of similarities between Obama and Rubio other than being a first term Senator.