Not long ago I visited the Louisiana State University's Astronomy observotory-----------they were "hippin'" it up all over the local radio----come see Saturn through our giant Telescope
Well---we loaded up and took the kids------when we got there there was a line a mile long lined up to take a peak through their big giant telescope---so we got in line
Finally---the line inched forward and it was my turn---I peaked through the giant telescope expecting to see something----what I saw was a white speck on a black background
"That's Saturn?????"
"Yep!! Sure is!!"
"Looks more like ya'll have your telescope aimed at a street lamp somewhere off in the distance!!!"
I worked with a fellow who was very interested in astronomy. He did not own a telescope. The reason was that he could study stars, planets, etc. much better on the Internet and in books than with any telescope he could afford ... and he did not have to go out on winter nights and freeze himself looking through a telescope.