Keep things in context here. This is you and me. That's the context. Show me my appeals to creeds, catechisms, confessions, and where I've used Calvin. And put and end to your denigration that my authority isn't Scripture.
Fair enough?
I just went through about 20 or more of your last posts.
You are right. I couldn't find any appeal to a creed, catechism, etc.
Here is what I found. Almost every post was of this nature. It is a typical example:
Not at all. The Calvinists here have offered objective posts and you've included them in your post as being in error. You've offered no basis for your conclusion upon them. You're reaching for unity of error when frankly it isn't there.
- Blessings
Blessings? It wasn't a "blessed" post at all.
You made no appeal to anything but ridicule, demeaning another, arrogance, etc. Every post was like that.
You said:
"The Calvinists here have offered objective posts."
Perhaps some of them have, but you haven't.
You said:
"You have offered no basis for your conclusion."
That is your opinion. But it is more substantial than what you offered--arrogance and demeaning another poster.
You said (quite arrogantly),
"you are reaching the unity of error..."
But you provide no proof of that, just state that the person is wrong.
Almost all of your posts are like this.
You don't appeal to Catechisms, true. But you don't appeal to Scripture either. Your appeal is to yourself. You are your own authority, and that is the worst place to be.
Now that is my observation after going back and reading about 20 of your most recent posts.