Most of your response addresses issues that a Non Calvinist does not dispute, viz, that born again believers receive a new will after conversion, but I would clarify that it is not a replaced will as if God pulls out the will and then uses an assembly line robot to install a new one. It is a TRANSFORMED will. Even our bodies are left intact until they are transformed in heaven (and notice that in Christ's transformed body, He still has the scars).
I never stated that "God pulls out the old will" but do challenge the thinking that many hold of God "manipulating" the old will to be somehow receptive. Our current bodies DO NOT in any way (including the fallen will) enter heaven. We are given NEW bodies, and are even now having to subject the old nature (including old will) to the things of God.
All Calvinists hold to some form of a manipulated will. If the will is never free to choose, then it must be manipulated by default. Although there is much to debate about the fallacy of the Calvinist view of free will, one major element that Calvinism fails to consider is that in rejecting the part of man's involvement in salvation by rejecting free will (because they claim it is merely man-centric), Calvinism ignores man's part in PRESENTING the gospel.
Frankly, like I admitted, I do not hold what perhaps Calvinistic thinkers such as Spurgeon (and others) might on the "manipulated will." Rather, I am very consistent with there being NO free will / choice until Christ has given such to that person that they may express what has already taken place in their heart.
If faith comes by hearing in Romans 10, and that hearing comes from a preacher, then ultimately man is still involved in the process. If Calvinist philosophy was followed consistently, God could and would save a man whether or not there is a human presentation of the gospel or not.
Unfortunately, many assign MAN as having faith, rather than Faith being instilled in a person that they may express (confess). I find humankind has no such faith ability, nor does the Scriptures indicate that such ability without the direct and purposed work of God already having taken place in the person having been done.
Man cannot be "involved in the process" other than as reflex response on what has already taken place - which is the proper rendering of Romans.
Romans 9:16 is one of the most misinterpreted and misquoted passages among Calvinists. It takes an incredible amount of Biblical gymnastics to deprive this chapter of its historical contrast between Edom and Jacob going all the way back to Genesis 25:23 ("there are 2 nations in thy womb").
Paul is not talking about individual salvation, but of corporate election ...
See here again, we can disagree, because I do not find "cooperate salvation election" as viable in the Scriptures.
All salvation is individual and is by the clear choice of God. Jesus said,
"43 Jesus answered and said to them, “Do not grumble among yourselves. 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught of God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me."
You may contend to your heart's content over cooperate salvation, but frankly I have never found such to be the evidence in Scriptures. There is ONE exception. That is when God directly states to ISRAEL (that is the political
and spiritual Israel in which the church is united under the millennial rule) shall be saved. There is only one bride of Christ, and there is the only cooperate election / salvation Scriptures indicate - it takes place in the millennium.
Do you not see that in the quote of Jesus (above) that even HE distinguishes between everyone who "has been taught of God" is NOT the same group as "who has heard and learned from the Father,"
Using the parable of the sower, the seed falls in all places, but ONLY the good earth seed grows and is harvested. Just who do you think is in charge of the dirt? Man? NO!!!! It is the farmer (God) who decides the roadway, the place to pile up stones, what will remain uncultivated and shallow, and what is prepared soil.
This is a very short explanation and perhaps I will start another thread on Romans 9 to address "not of him that willeth", "Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated" and "hath not the potter power over the clay", the 3 most misinterpreted passages out of ch 9 among Calvinists.
Start what you will, but I can state that if you contend you are right on your "very short explanation," you will be found to have faulty reasoning. Just as I have indicated, above.
The other issue to address which is somewhat out of place and held last, was your statement that :
You are assuming that salvation is maintained by "the will of the new creation". Without further explanation on your part, that describes the Arminian fallacy of salvation that is maintained by man's will.
You are misreading (which isn't an anomaly, apparently) the statement. The old will battles with the new will of the new creation. Paul states,
"12 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
Do you not see two element of the old nature? Mind and body
What has to be conformed to the will of God? Mind and body
What is left out? the will - the part which expresses desire.
Why? Because the new nature will is already conformed to God in Christ and is at war with the old nature will, mind, and body. Again referenced in Paul's writings in Romans where he considers how wretched he is the the old will seems to win out in the tug of desires (wills).
The old fallen nature cannot be conformed to God and neither can the old will (desires) - it is impossible. It can only be mind and body can be subjected and the old will superseded by the will (desires) of God, which is given to the believer as part of being the new creature.
BTW, you consider the new creation given "after salvation" and I consider it ALL salvation. I don't component out salvation into parcels of this has to be done followed by this, as some have attempted to chart. But that is for another thread.