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Hyles Anderson College

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Preacher Boy88, Apr 26, 2005.

  1. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    If anyone knows the numbers game, it would be me. Trust me, you are merely proving my point. I am not aware of the claims made by the two pastors, nor do I really care. I'm sure that we've all lied about something in our lives!

    Here's my point, I do know that they are a soul-winning life-changing church. Not all agree, but, if you have been around it like I (who am not a grad. nor a "follower") You have to admit it!

    The issue is, discipleship, or lack of.
  2. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Huh? It's OK that these guys make these kinds of boastful lies because "everybody" does it? Would they accept that kind of logic if one said: "It's OK for Christian women to wear shorts in public... everybody does it"? I don't think so.

    I have told lies in my life. But it is my habit and conviction to own up to those lies to God and as often as possible to the person I deceived. Some people in business have thought I was being silly for confessing what most would consider meaningless "white" lies.

    I don't buy that there are white lies nor can I imagine that men who lie without remore or repentance possess godly, high character.

    That doesn't excuse the very serious problems if the allegations are true. I have read reports that claim that kids were bussed in from south Chicago, given treats, led as a group in the "sinner's prayer", asked to sign a card, then taken back home. They supposedly counted all of them as conversions.

    Yes. But if the report I saw was true... there is also a problem of pushing for false conversions. Some of those kids may have gone away with the impression that saying some words and signing a card saved them. If so, they are effectively innoculated from ever being truly born again.

    My personal experience with HAC associated people is limited so if this information is flawed please feel free to correct it.
  3. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    You people here read too much into posts. Trying to argue every little point!

    I'm not putting a stamp of approval on lying. I never did. Just proving a point, men make mistakes.

    However, these "reports" probably come from an anti-Hyles or whatever you want to call it group. I told you, I agree with the number fudging and all that, but in that mess, there are, believe it or not, lives being change and sincere conversions.

    Good grief, who died and made you all judge? I'd be afraid to do that if I were you!
  4. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    So you think nobody can do math right? You can go to a Hyles website and listen for yourself coming from his mouth.
  5. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Well, in this case, it is better to bow out than continue a discussion. And yes, you can take this as "you win" and beat yourself on the chest, when in reality, I'm choosing not to attack a man who has been used of God, probably more than I ever will be!

    Who are we to say he never preached that many messages? Oh that's right, you've been there, you read the reports, you can do the math.

    I'll tell you what I believe to be ridiculous, is people who sit on the internet and in their little S.S. classes and tear apart men who are trying to serve God. Why? Jealousy, envy, misunderstanding. Go ahead, tell me, "It's no misunderstanding, listen to it on their website."

    You folks here have got some serious issues!
  6. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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  7. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Good, using a geocities website.

    Again, who's to say that they didn't write/preach that many messages?

    I assume that's what this "accurate" website is going to tell me, right?
  8. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    A man of God?


    Hyles' reported love affair with his secretary (allegedly begun in 1969), the wife of a deacon at FBCH, is well documented -- "These were passionate love notes from Jack Hyles to Jennie [Nischik], all signed 'Your aching guy, Jack!' They expressed undying love, telling Jennie that she was the only woman he loved. ... There were references to secret meetings with him in different places" (The Wizard of God: My Life With Jack Hyles, by Victor Nischik, pp. 57- 58). Victor Nischik also writes, "... my home was tampered with and my marriage deliberately wrecked by Jack Hyles. He stole my wife, her loyalty and affection, and when the divorce hung in balance, [Hyles] unilaterally met with the two attorneys and negotiated the divorce settlement." The latter meeting took place only eight days after Hyles' deposition was taken under oath, and just 12 days before the case was to be heard in court. The divorce (1986) was finalized two weeks to the day from Hyles' deposition! (The Biblical Evangelist, 5/1/89). [Hyles continually denied all of Nischik's charges, but after I viewed the devastating WJBK-TV report (see below), Nischik's assertions ring true. Hyles' response to the exposé was to charge Nischik with being a womanizer and a homosexual. (Source: "Dr. Jack Hyles Replies," 1990 letter to FBCH mailing list.)
  9. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Maybe you would rather read http://jackhyles.net/enemies.shtml
  10. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Again, old news. I guess David wasn't a man after God's own heart either, was he?

    I'm not defending sin, just morons who in their self-proclaimed righteousness judge others and their ministries.

    Yet another he said she said mud-flinging contest of which you merely read in books and I am personally friends with those involved. Thanks for spreading your propaganda, but take it somewhere else.
  11. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Didn't David repent of his sin. Did Hyles?
  12. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    You tell me, since you knew him so well. And yes, I do.
  13. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    So you don't believe all scripture is ninspired by God when is written in Acts 17:11, "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."

    If what Hyles said was true that he won so many to Christ he is condemned by his own words by egotistically telling people that and elevating himself.

    I detected that one time when I first listened to a sermon on soul winning by him over the internet. That sermon is removed from the website it once was at.
  14. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Listen, you need to stick to the subject. You have no grounds to attack my faith in the Book. You refuse to answer questions, your arguments are ridiculous and absurd and so far, I have seen nothing worth continuing this discussion over. Here's a suggestion: get offline, go door-to-door for a while.

    If anything, it is your ego in the way of a decent discussion. So, instead, you attack others including myself. I told you and will again. I don't agree with everything there, nor would I with you, but I am accountable to God for my ministry, not FBC, not in Iowa but here in my neck of the woods.

    Congrats on finding the downfall in others, now, I'd be confessing the sin of judging others!
  15. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    So are you saying what is written is absolutely wrong? Certainly if that is true why have you not filed lawsuits against those who would libel another. If you would allow such things then you are as guilty of the liar too by allowing it to continue. To refuse to take a stance is like a person who sits by and denies the person. Just like Peter who denied Jesus three times. So what will you do to prove those who have written such things as wrong. Or is your evidence like Joseph Smith claimed?

    Do you think the love notes by a man's wife are enough evidence or do you think the man's wife is crazy and made it all up. If he did then you should file a lawsuit for such libel for defammation of character of both Hyles and his wife.

    Why be a whimp? Step up to the plate and make your case.

    Many of the mothers of those on death row say the same things as you. But the courts have made their case otherwise.
  16. loving2daysyouth

    loving2daysyouth New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    It's not my battle to fight. I know what I know. To me, the issue is not Hyles, it's the heart of those who attack him. My Bible teaches that taking another brother to court is not right. So, by faith, I'll do just that.

    I am aware of the scandals of not only Hyles but of his sons etc. stuff that you will never know, but I refuse to judge or have a part in a bashing party with fools. I have no stance to take, except, if one of our teens chooses HAC, I will support he/she, knowing they are going to an institution that teaches the Word.

    Until then, have a nice day fighting useless battles and racking up nothing as far as rewards in heaven. Again, take this as "you win" but I bow out gracefully. Beat your chest, chalk another one up for "GB" and when you stand before Christ and give an account for bashing others who have gone before you, have fun explaining that to Him.

    I bet, you will have a mansion right next to Dr. Hyles!

  17. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    The role of a Christian is to stand for righteousness.

    So are you willing to let slide what you know as scandals and unrighteousness?

    If nobody had taken a stance against the unrighteousness of slavery and segregation we would still have it today.

    So many denominations have taken the cpomplacent stance and let liberalism slide and you see where they are today.

    Those men who are involved in scandals, etc. need to be held accountable for their own sake and those they lead.

    Don't you think the world sees the unrighteousness and scandals while Christians stand by and watch. It is the Christians who should say something first.

    By associating with that group and not saying anything you will become just like them if you are not already.

    1 Cor. 15:33, "Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."

    Wasn't it Jesus who turned over the tax gatherers tables? What had they done to the house of God?

    It seems to me that Gal 6:1 is still inspired by God and applicable for today.
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Are you still bashing Jack Hyles and his church/college? Unbelievable!

    No one knows if he repented or not, so no one has the right to judge.

    David comitted murder and adultery and God STILL called him a man after His own heart.

    I had two children attend that college and my daughter and family STILL attend that church.

    Unless you have been there and know first hand what went/goes on - you need to just pray and ask God why you are still attacking a dead man.

    It's just like any other church. If you find a perfect one, they probably won't let you in...

    Unless you believe everything you read in a newspaper, you shouldn't believe everything you hear about other people.

    Here is a web site I will never see a Hyles-hater post:

  19. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Those kinds of boastful lies go beyond a simple "mistake" and point to significant character flaws- not the least of which are pride, self-centeredness, and egotism. These kinds of statements are not simply lies... they are lies specifically intended to create an inflated impression of the liar himself.

    This is a much bigger deal than you are seeing.

    They came from a couple purporting to be former bus captains for FBCH.
    Yes you did. And I also don't think we will ever see a perfect ministry. But at the same time, the ends don't justify the means. There seems to be patterns within this branch of Baptists that are disturbing and testify poorly.

    Good grief! Where did I say anyone had made me judge?

    God uses alot of bad things to accomplish good things. But that doesn't mean that we can justify the bad just because God makes good out of it.
  20. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    "Judge not lest ye be judged"? I have seen you judge unjustly and without direct knowledge several times here in only a few weeks.

    The latest case was when you accused Doc Cassidy of having problems in his ministry because you didn't like the way he stated his proof that you were wrong.

    In actuality, there is no need for judgment only recognition of sin. God already said that what Hyles was accused of and might have covered up was sin.

    A godly man would have confessed his sin and dealt with it... witness Dr Rod Bell's behavior when his secret sin was exposed. While not an egomaniac who missed no opportunity to draw attention to himself, Bell's ministry and influence were in the same league as Hyles. Both men had a great deal to give up from a purely selfish point of view. One did the right thing. The other we are not sure about...