Perhaps it would be good to readdress
@John of Japan complaint concerning my view regarding God’s Word and God’s word.
Earlier I used the illustration of an author of a book and along that same line, I will use that of the doctoral dissertation .
To complete an academic doctoral program of note, one must submit for review and defense a major work, and often of great length, which is called the dissertation. Unlike a graduate (bachelor or master) thesis in which one is putting forth research of a topic based largely upon what others have written, and is much less in length, the dissertation goes much further into the development of something new which must be defended and proven before a board of peers.
What both major works do is to cite other’s writing as original sources to compare and contrast. The statements of others are placed in quotes, blocked, or in some manner separated and notated so the original source can be found by others and verified for accuracy.
If one quotes without citation of the source, it is called plagiarism.
The author of the dissertation cannot rightly claim ownership of what someone else said or wrote. The author may only quote with proper citations or not use that information. Found plagiarism brings total discredit and end to anyone’s ability to be taken seriously in a field of work.
I hold that God divinely inspired and dictated to those of His choosing what is recorded in His word. That nothing was written that God did not directly command. In this, unless I am mistaken,
@John of Japan and I would find agreement.
The disagreement perhaps is that I view God quoting others similar to the doctoral dissertations citations. Such citations are not the author’s own words, but placed by the author into the dissertation by the author for the purpose of the author. That by inclusion in the dissertation, the author acknowledges the original source, but such is not presented as their own words - for that would be plagiarism.
God quoting Cain does not raise Cain to the level of the authority of God, but because God dictated to the writers what to write Cains words are included in the word of God, we title all written as The Word of God but not all written were God’s Words.
I contended in an early post that three times Paul showed he understood this same concept.
I really do not present
@John of Japan as thinking that God put the words used by Cain, Haman, Jezabel, and others of repugnant character found in the Scriptures as quoting Him. The writers wrote what God dictated, just as a secretary records the words of the boss without change. Despite that verbal and written language is part of the creative work of God, it was not exempt from humankind’s corruption. The dissertation (The Scriptures) can quote the words and record the failures of others without being blemished.