Yes, you.
It depends on how one defines "theology". Some, particularly secular institutions, define theology as a branch of philosophy.
Do you always just make up your own facts to suit whatever mindless thing you've said that someone is challenging you on?
Theology - a philosophically oriented discipline of religious speculation.
Theology is religious philosophy - period. Speculative or otherwise, it doesn't matter.
This isn't only true of theology but of ANY area of study. The search for truth is philosophy. The very idea that there is truth to search for is philosophy in its most nascent state.
Others make a distinction between theology as a study of God and "philosophical theology".
And yet others (paticularly when theology is narrowed to Christianity) draw a distinction.
Yes, just as theology is a branch of philosophy, there are branches of theology as well. There is Christian theology and Mormon theology and Branch Davidian theology and Hindu theology and Buddhist theology, etc. Within each of those there are still tighter fields of study. In Christianity theology, there is soteriology which has to do with the doctrines surrounding the issue of salvation.
ALL OF THAT IS PHILOSOPHY!!!! By definition!
Some understand theory to be strictly systematic theology. Others theology proper. Others historical theology.
It makes no difference what name you give it. It is philosophy.
Historical theology, for example, is the study of theological development throught history. I can see how this is a type of history. But philosophy? No.
Studying historical theology is to study the history of religious philosophy.
No! I have nothing to do with it. Not everything is a matter of opinion!
You are confusing philosophy with comprehension. Philosophy does not mean "using your mind".
I am not stupid!
Philosophy is the use of your mind to study fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy seeks to understand and explore topics such as the nature of reality, the meaning of life, the principles of morality, the limits of human understanding, and the foundations of knowledge.
Philosophy is divided into several branches, including metaphysics (the study of reality and existence), epistemology (the study of knowledge and how we come to know things), ethics (the study of morality and values), logic (the study of valid reasoning), aesthetics (the study of beauty and art), and political philosophy (the study of government and society).
When I read TS Elliot I am using my mind. But I am not doing philosophy. That said, depending on the work, I could.
I never suggested any such thing.
That said, of your theology "an oriented discipline of religious speculation", then are using philosophy (and we all do on some things).
You seriously need to just stop. You're making yourself look like an idiot.