I am a "Modernist" and cannot and choose not to change. That is the broad philosophical category which began with the Renaissance and continued up through my generation.
I see things in light of empirical evidence, logic, absolutes, truth, etc. I am also a Theist (since I believe in a sovereign God who established these truths).
But all of my students are "Post Modernists" whose beliefs have morphed into a new paradigm. They base their thinking and lives upon feeling and senses over logic and evidence. They allow me to believe what I want, but react to all truth and absolutes. "Okay for you, but not for me", they say.
Their friends and relationships mean more than words in a dusty book of truth their parents accepted without question.
I want to reach across this philosophical divide and begin to preach Christ NOT from logic or Greek or absolutes -- maybe not mentioning the blood, etc -- but talk about Christ as a "relationship", as a "friend".
Need some help and hope good discussion that will end up being beneficial to the Church. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
See those "Feeling", "Friends" and "Relationship" words? Know HIM (not just facts about Him). Know the POWER of the resurrection (not the facts to pass a theology exam). FELLOWSHIP with His suffering.
I see things in light of empirical evidence, logic, absolutes, truth, etc. I am also a Theist (since I believe in a sovereign God who established these truths).
But all of my students are "Post Modernists" whose beliefs have morphed into a new paradigm. They base their thinking and lives upon feeling and senses over logic and evidence. They allow me to believe what I want, but react to all truth and absolutes. "Okay for you, but not for me", they say.
Their friends and relationships mean more than words in a dusty book of truth their parents accepted without question.
I want to reach across this philosophical divide and begin to preach Christ NOT from logic or Greek or absolutes -- maybe not mentioning the blood, etc -- but talk about Christ as a "relationship", as a "friend".
Need some help and hope good discussion that will end up being beneficial to the Church. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
See those "Feeling", "Friends" and "Relationship" words? Know HIM (not just facts about Him). Know the POWER of the resurrection (not the facts to pass a theology exam). FELLOWSHIP with His suffering.