I have no idea what you are talking about.
I have made no "law". I can't believe, however, that you can't see the benefits of daily Bible reading. You've called what I've described as a "binding". I have bound no one into a legalistic and forced daily Bible reading.
Yes, I am aware that many own no Bible, that some cannot read, that many have no teacher, and that some only have bits and pieces in their own language. We have a member here on the BB who spent over 30 years in Japan translating for those people.
For those of us who have one - or quite frankly, have several - I will repeat, we SHOULD read it every day. We don't HAVE TO. We can let it lay on the bottom of our closet and collect dust. We can read it occasionally and superficially. We can take it to church and read it only when the preacher does.
We who have access to Bibles can do with them what we choose. We can surf Bible message boards online and only argue about it incessantly for decades.
But the Bible is clear. The reading and studying of it is essential. And to "meditate day and night" as the psalmist said over and over ..... the more reading that studying, the better.
The ideal is every day and with the purpose of allowing God to wash us with the Word and Ephesians says.
Not everyone has the ideal life nor Bible study availability, but for those who do, to ignore that blessing is fruitless.