If I were given a way to survive the environment on Mars I could do very little with the iron-based compositions save make sandcastles. My options are two....
1. Chemically - Find a way to chemically react with the environment to produce elements.
2. Nuclear Reactions - Turn the mass to plasma and reform it into another form of mass...
And how would I do that nuclearly? Well, if E = MC2 I can divide and conclude that mass can turn into plasma and plasma back into mass...
M <--- E / C2 = Fusion (energy to mass)
Energy and light are released as the matter is bonded and produces the most intense energy as seen in the Hydrogen Bomb. As of yet we have not figured out how to make fusion useful for the generation of our energy needs.
M ---> E / C2 = Fission (mass to energy)
Energy and light are released as the matter is split. The released energy is not as great as the fusion process. I believe all mass was once a great piece of matter floating in space until God spoke these words… Let there be light! At that point the mass turned to energy and light, expanding out from a point of origin and then re-freezing into what elements the Father willed it. Are we experiments from the eternal mind? If so, we will return to him to give an account on how we lived our life here on earth.
M + M ---> E / C2 = Reaction producing energy and light
Energy and light are released as matter reacts one with another. Fossil fuels reacting with oxygen can produce a great deal of energy. But not nearly as great as the fission process. By products to this reaction include CO2 gas, which is harmful to the environment. The Martian atmosphere is 95% CO2 carbon dioxide. But if we can’t figure out to easily strip the C from CO2 on earth how could I do it on Mars? But… Our plant life does this quite easily in a process called photosynthesis. If we had the temperature to do so we would have to deveiop plant life first to strip the C from the CO2.
I also believe that there is a spiritual that is produced with energy and light…
Spiritual Mass = Spiritual Warmth / Spiritual Light (faith, hope, charity, joy, warmth, goodness, etc)
I am amazed how the light and energy came together here on planet earth to form mass, intelligence, and spirituality. And as a human being having 60,000 miles of blood vessels turning O2 back into CO2 and releasing energy in the process to sense, see, hear, in constructive employment, etc. I can’t believe that all of this happened without an intelligent designer behind it. I could do very little with such mass on another planet save make sandcastles.
"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details." -Albert Einstein
1. Chemically - Find a way to chemically react with the environment to produce elements.
2. Nuclear Reactions - Turn the mass to plasma and reform it into another form of mass...
And how would I do that nuclearly? Well, if E = MC2 I can divide and conclude that mass can turn into plasma and plasma back into mass...
M <--- E / C2 = Fusion (energy to mass)
Energy and light are released as the matter is bonded and produces the most intense energy as seen in the Hydrogen Bomb. As of yet we have not figured out how to make fusion useful for the generation of our energy needs.
M ---> E / C2 = Fission (mass to energy)
Energy and light are released as the matter is split. The released energy is not as great as the fusion process. I believe all mass was once a great piece of matter floating in space until God spoke these words… Let there be light! At that point the mass turned to energy and light, expanding out from a point of origin and then re-freezing into what elements the Father willed it. Are we experiments from the eternal mind? If so, we will return to him to give an account on how we lived our life here on earth.
M + M ---> E / C2 = Reaction producing energy and light
Energy and light are released as matter reacts one with another. Fossil fuels reacting with oxygen can produce a great deal of energy. But not nearly as great as the fission process. By products to this reaction include CO2 gas, which is harmful to the environment. The Martian atmosphere is 95% CO2 carbon dioxide. But if we can’t figure out to easily strip the C from CO2 on earth how could I do it on Mars? But… Our plant life does this quite easily in a process called photosynthesis. If we had the temperature to do so we would have to deveiop plant life first to strip the C from the CO2.
I also believe that there is a spiritual that is produced with energy and light…
Spiritual Mass = Spiritual Warmth / Spiritual Light (faith, hope, charity, joy, warmth, goodness, etc)
I am amazed how the light and energy came together here on planet earth to form mass, intelligence, and spirituality. And as a human being having 60,000 miles of blood vessels turning O2 back into CO2 and releasing energy in the process to sense, see, hear, in constructive employment, etc. I can’t believe that all of this happened without an intelligent designer behind it. I could do very little with such mass on another planet save make sandcastles.
"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details." -Albert Einstein