NOTE: This thread is about the good parts of the CSA Constitution. I realize there are several references to negroes and slavery - I understand - and I do not condone those - if you want to discuss that portion please start a new thread
There are three parts I especially like
1) the Preamble ... "invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God —"...
(so much for seperation of church and state)
2) Section 8 # 7 - the CSA post office was to be self supporting
3) Article 5 Amendment
1. Upon the demand of any three States, legally assembled in their several conventions, the Congress shall summon a convention of all the States,...
There are three parts I especially like
1) the Preamble ... "invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God —"...
(so much for seperation of church and state)
2) Section 8 # 7 - the CSA post office was to be self supporting
3) Article 5 Amendment
1. Upon the demand of any three States, legally assembled in their several conventions, the Congress shall summon a convention of all the States,...