The pastor actually doesn't (or didn't at the time) seem aware of the depth of the matter. Now that he is, I'm waiting to see if my request will be met, but so far I have absolutely no hard feelings against him. In fact, I simply wish the people would LISTEN to him because he's pretty amazing. The problem seems to be more with people doing things with him unaware or of them not being honest with him when he asks. And of course...there's the all-time excuse some are trying to use that they "felt convicted" about such and such. IE one felt convicted about my daughter needing to go to youth group more, but I didn't get that, nobody discussed it with me, and she was confronted without my knowledge and the blame was being passed around, though I'm being TOLD one person finally did step up, but that's half the issue...the explanation and apology needs to come from that person to ME, not me being told third hand because he told someone who told someone else and yet another tells me about it. That's not how this works. That's what I want to see change.
Maybe statistics from these situations show that no, it won't change, but I still feel obligated to do all things possible to make it a truth instead of an assumption on my part.
Maybe statistics from these situations show that no, it won't change, but I still feel obligated to do all things possible to make it a truth instead of an assumption on my part.