Maurice Williams
New Member
I am already on a forum and early on I posted a thread entitled A Christian rebuttal to Darwinian Evolution. I cited Genesis to refute almost every claim of Darwinism. I was shocked to get thirty-eight comments from readers, most of whom criticized me for actually believing Genesis. I did not expect that because I was writing to a Christian audience, I already knew that that the wicked world would classify me as a lunatic because I believed God created the world, but I did not expect that from a Christian website.
All the wind was knocked out of my sails, and I felt like quitting. Writing for a hostile audience requires more common sense than I have. But I decided not to quit. I was trying to defend God's own revelation of how He created man. Why should I quit? If I defend Jesus Christ I'm already in the right, and my critics ought to quit. The website I was on is Catholic Stand ( I contribute 1 article a month, about two thousand words on any topic. My second contribution is the one that I got smacked down for.
So I rewrote my article this time arguing from Scripture and Church teaching rather than anthropology and microbiology, etc. It generated a hailstorm of criticism as well. So I thought I should just pretend I'm an early scientist and try to explain what I observe and spin a theory about it
Then I notice that Darwin only mentioned plants and animals as the two forms of life in the world. What!!! Isn't there also a spiritual form of life? Angels and Devils, good spirits and evil spirits, plus God Himself who is purely spiritual. Then I realized a way to debunk evolution based upon observation and common sense,
I don't know how many people came to this same realization. I'm posting this because I think anybody who feels humiliated by the big brains arguing evolution might do much better going on the offensive to knock down their presumed defense of evolution. Every human being knows there are spiritual beings and God revelation told of He creation of spiritual being.
I know most of you guys are Protestant and I am Catholic, but the spiritual war going on today is not about one sectarian group against another. It is about the whole wicked world against Jesus Christ. I argued against the Darwinists from a Catholic perspective. It might surprise you how similar it is to your arguments.
My third article was entitled "Darwinism's fatal flaw." My next article was about where did the Egyptians get the idea of reincarnation. My next article after that was entitled :The Prince of This World." and there are more article that I think has given evolutionist a difficult time.
I invite you to read some of these articles and let me know what you think of them And id evolutionists have made a monkey of you defending Scripture, it's time for you to turn the tables on them.
To pick up my articles type "" "Maurice A. Williams."
Maurice A. Williams
All the wind was knocked out of my sails, and I felt like quitting. Writing for a hostile audience requires more common sense than I have. But I decided not to quit. I was trying to defend God's own revelation of how He created man. Why should I quit? If I defend Jesus Christ I'm already in the right, and my critics ought to quit. The website I was on is Catholic Stand ( I contribute 1 article a month, about two thousand words on any topic. My second contribution is the one that I got smacked down for.
So I rewrote my article this time arguing from Scripture and Church teaching rather than anthropology and microbiology, etc. It generated a hailstorm of criticism as well. So I thought I should just pretend I'm an early scientist and try to explain what I observe and spin a theory about it
Then I notice that Darwin only mentioned plants and animals as the two forms of life in the world. What!!! Isn't there also a spiritual form of life? Angels and Devils, good spirits and evil spirits, plus God Himself who is purely spiritual. Then I realized a way to debunk evolution based upon observation and common sense,
I don't know how many people came to this same realization. I'm posting this because I think anybody who feels humiliated by the big brains arguing evolution might do much better going on the offensive to knock down their presumed defense of evolution. Every human being knows there are spiritual beings and God revelation told of He creation of spiritual being.
I know most of you guys are Protestant and I am Catholic, but the spiritual war going on today is not about one sectarian group against another. It is about the whole wicked world against Jesus Christ. I argued against the Darwinists from a Catholic perspective. It might surprise you how similar it is to your arguments.
My third article was entitled "Darwinism's fatal flaw." My next article was about where did the Egyptians get the idea of reincarnation. My next article after that was entitled :The Prince of This World." and there are more article that I think has given evolutionist a difficult time.
I invite you to read some of these articles and let me know what you think of them And id evolutionists have made a monkey of you defending Scripture, it's time for you to turn the tables on them.
To pick up my articles type "" "Maurice A. Williams."
Maurice A. Williams