I have good friends who will read only the KJV bible.
All this discussion and all my reading has taught me a few things on the subject, so I guess I am wanting to state the obvious.
My friends have devoted over 20 years into learning from the KJV, some more than 30 years. They can quote verses and their bibles are highlighted and annotated with personal notes. They "know" what the KJV says.
Now, someone wants to tell them that their Bible is not accurate.
And we wonder why they are upset with this accusation?
Should we really be doing this to them? Can not they be good Christian people using the KJV only? Can not they be walking the narrow path, even using their KJV?
Despite what I think I now understand, I will not even discuss it with them unless they initiate the conversation. I will applaud the years they have devoted to learning their Bibles and let them be.
All this discussion and all my reading has taught me a few things on the subject, so I guess I am wanting to state the obvious.
My friends have devoted over 20 years into learning from the KJV, some more than 30 years. They can quote verses and their bibles are highlighted and annotated with personal notes. They "know" what the KJV says.
Now, someone wants to tell them that their Bible is not accurate.
And we wonder why they are upset with this accusation?
Should we really be doing this to them? Can not they be good Christian people using the KJV only? Can not they be walking the narrow path, even using their KJV?
Despite what I think I now understand, I will not even discuss it with them unless they initiate the conversation. I will applaud the years they have devoted to learning their Bibles and let them be.