I don't know why it is - but I can NEVER go to any Christian forum and read more than two or three posts before someone mentions homosexuality. Why is it singled out so much? So many Christians seem fixated with it.
That is an easy answer and I am not sure why it needs to be asked accept a lacks if knowledge on current events and politics. The homosexual community is now and has been for quite a few years been working to force the American public to accept their perverted behavior in all facets of American life. And the tool they are using to accomplish this goal is our legal system, our political system, and our educational system.
The damage that will be leveled on America at the end of this should they accomplish their goal will be devastating to our children, and our communities. The homosexual agenda has largely become a political movement that even wants to force churches to accept their chosen perversion.
The fact that this is being pushed in this way makes it something that is needful to address. It is unlike many other sins which are left to the individual to decide for themselves.