Other than that, I believe I stated a ways back who I know and believe Jesus to be.
Here is another fun one I just came across with scriptures to click on;
An Exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith
by Robert Shaw, 1795-1863
VERY informative.
Concerning the Lord Jesus Christ;
1. Divine names are applied to him. He is expressly called God,—
John 1:1;
Romans 9:5
He is called the mighty God,—
Isaiah 9:6;
the true God,—
1 John 5:20;
the great God,—
Titus 2:13.
The Lord, or Jehovah, the incommunicable name of God, is frequently applied to the Son,—
Isaiah 6:1,
applied to Christ,—
John 12:41;
Isaiah 40:3,
applied to Christ,—
John 1:23;
Numbers 21:6–7,
applied to Christ,—
1 Corinthians 10:9.
2. Divine attributes are ascribed to the Son no less than to the Father. Eternity is ascribed to him,—
Micah 5:2;
Rev. 1:8;
John 2:24;
Matthew 28:20;
Rev. 1:8;
Philippians 3:21;
Psalm 102:25–27,
compared with
Hebrews 1:10–12, and
3. Divine works are ascribed to him. The production of all things out of nothing,
John 1:3;
the preservation and government of all things,—
Colossians 1:17;
Hebrews 1:3;
John 5:17,
the purchasing of eternal redemption,—
Hebrews 9:12;
the forgiveness of sins,—
Mark 2:5;
the raising of the dead at the last day,—
John 5:28,
the judging of the world.—
Romans 14:10.
4. We are commanded to give the same divine worship to the Son that is due to the Father. The established law of worship is,
You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve."
But divine worship is expressly commanded to be rendered to the Son.
John 5:23.
Angels, the highest of created beings, are enjoined to worship him,—
Hebrews 1:6;
and we have numerous instances of divine worship being given to him.—
Acts 7:59;
2 Corinthians 12:8;
2 Thessalonians 2:16.
5. As an additional proof that the Son, no less than the Father, is the supreme God, it may be observed, that he is expressly affirmed to be equal with the Father. He claimed equality with God, and for so doing was accused of blasphemy by the Jews; yet he never charged them with misconstruing his words, but appealed to his works in proof of his claim.—
John 5:18;
He thought it no robbery to be equal with God,—
Philippians 2:6;
and his eternal Father acknowledges him to be his fellow and equal.—
Zechariah 13:7.
We may here observe, that when Christ says that
"his Father is greater than he" (
John 14:28),
he does not mean that he is greater with respect to his nature, but with respect to his office as Mediator; in which respect Christ sustains the character of the Father's servant, and acts in virtue of a commission from him.—
Isaiah 42:1.
But as the second person in the undivided Trinity, he is in all respects equal to his Divine Father.