I will say this being a veteran - I don't want any soldier not even an ISIS degenerate to be be mistreated and they need some kind of codified law or body of regulations to protect them until they are convicted/sentenced.
If they are guilty to the degree of death, then a quick and humane death.
I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corps..
I was an infantryman specifically assigned to the secondary M.O.S. of
8152 anti-terrorism security. and 8154 Close Quarters Battle Instructor.
I spent my four years battling terrorism.
No phrase ever uttered by mortal man infuriates me more than the self-honoring, self-congratulatory, self-absorbed phrase...
As a veteran".
The second I hear the welfare-queen inspired phrase: "as a veteran" I shut down immediately, and do not listen.
I don't speak "as a veteran".
My opinions don't exist "as a veteran".
There are now hundreds of thousands of veterans Hank...and many of them are selfish welfare queens no more sacrificial than anyone else on the planet.
Veterans are some of the most entitled "gimme, gimme" types this now tortured nation has.
They make me sick.
I also worked for 10 years in construction amongst hard-working men struggling to pay basic taxes, feed their families and stay healthy....some were "veterans" some weren't.
I have ten times more respect for the tax-paying working American man than some random "veteran", which may mean nothing more than some Air Force yeoman who spent 4 years in Colorado pushing paper....
My opinions are based on normal human decency, the Word of God and what is right and wrong....I don't shape my opinion based on some unanswerable "veteran status" which makes me therefore immune to criticism. I'm as subject to criticism in my opinions as you are. And your proclaimed status as "veteran" protects you from criticism as much as the term "welfare queen" or "thug".
If you really
SERVED this nation.....than you don't think yourself more entitled than anyone else, or your opinions more relevant.
If you really
SERVED than you don't walk around demanding everyone respect and adhere to your opinions because you got tax-payer funded hot meals, shelter, clothing, medical care, dental care, pre-natal care, retirement, V.A. appointments, V.A. loans, Veterans home tax immunity (such as in my state) extra consideration for Federal jobs, V.A.dissability etc..etc...etc...etc...etc....
I worked for a decade with hard-working crusty construction workers (many of whom were veterans) who broke their backs wishing they could afford medical insurance, dental insurance, care for their wives and kids etc......
all free for "veterans".
The biggest welfare queens I know are whiny veterans thinking the Universe owes them.
I'm so sick of that.
I joined the Marine Corps Infantry for one reason....
A poster....
A poster with a screaming drill-Instructor saying "
We don't promise you a Rose Garden"
You serve because you owe it to your home and family.
You serve because it's your job to protect your Country.
You serve because it's your duty.
You serve because you are a
You don't serve because you think everyone must subsequently cow-tow to every word you speak because you were a Navy Cook or Air Force "Administration Specialist" for four years.
We don't torture people because we understand that humans were made in the image of God, and we don't need to be "veterans" to know that.
We don't apply the Geneva Convention to illegal immigrants, because it's legally irrelevant, and we don't need to be "veterans" to know that.
We don't torture our own criminals not because of the Geneva Convention, but because they are humans made in the image of God, and we don't need to be "veterans" to know that.
We don't form opinions based upon whether we were or were not at one point in the military because right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of who speaks or who suggests certain truths, and we don't need to be "veterans" to know that.
Illegal aliens are criminals by default.
Illegal aliens should not be comfortable breaking our laws.
Illegal aliens are not enemy combatants to whom the Geneva Convention applies.
Illegal aliens should not feel that
Hank will protect them because "he's a 'veteran' ".
We are a Nation of LAW, and I love that law.
I'm a veteran because I want to protect that law, and everyone to whom it applies.
But, my opinions are no more noteworthy, respectable, or immune to criticism because of my veteran status.
Neither are yours.