No you didn't, not in the slightest. Here it is:
No, I addressed your sociological political ideologies, directly, pretty much point by point.
Excuse me! Grow up and stop with the Ad Hominem!
Do you even know what rabbit trails are?
Here is hint:
Apparently, not really much I can do about your comprehension issues...
You've already shown you apparently can't follow a discussion and refuse to address the points your opponent has made to you while you value answering with weasels, Ad Hominem and rabbit trails, so a lack of critical thinking skills. For you to attempt to force fit your Globalist ideologies into the scriptures while obviously not being able keep up with the premises and conclusions along the way, well, it seems rather pointless for me to engage in a theological discussion with you of which I'm confident you'd also be out of your league in that discussion as well.

Therefore, no thanks.