Paul of Eugene
New Member
Hi Shannon, thanks for joining in the fray. Now don't be shy, tell us what you really think!
The Bible is my primary source for believing in God, for helping to cast my mind towards Who God is and what He is like.
The reason I accept evolution is because it has been shown, by the evidence, to have happened. In the same way that I accept the rotation of the earth. Do you accept the rotation of the earth?
It's not a matter of deciding to just give it up. Would you ask me to give up the idea that the sky is blue? Here's the real deal. A psychological event has happened in my mind - that is, having reviewed the evidence for so many years, watching the evidence accumulate in more and more convincing ways over my life time, I have come to accept the ancient age of the earth and the common descent of all life as a fact about the world in the same way that I have come to accept the facts of the rotation of the earth as the cause of night and day and the orbiting of the earth around the sun as the cause of our years.
Scripture literally states it is the sun that moves around the earth and the earth is steadfast that it cannot be moved.
Neither one of us has a problem accepting scripture as not being necessarily literal on those subjects, though all mankind was of the opinion it was literal, at one time.
What changed our minds was our knowledge of the facts. Knowing as we do that the earth rotates and moves, we simply re-interpret those scripture passages as non-literal and go on accepting scripture as revealing God and our guide for how to get to heaven.
The same thing occurs when the intellect is irresistably illumined by the facts concerning common descent of life and the ancient age of the earth and universe. The reinterpretation of scripture is natural and automatic.
Now I greatly fear some of those who say that facts from nature must always give way to literal statements from scripture and then turn around and accept that the earth rotates and orbits the sun are guilty of fulfilling again the words of our Lord:
Luke 11:46
46 But He said, "Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
Anyway, bear in mind that for many of us the issue is quite simply settled for us by the evidence as factual and please have mercy on the weaker of them who might be kept from coming to the kingdom of God if you talk to them like that.
It's appropriate to use strong language in a forum like this - I'm talking about face to face in a witnessing or church gathering situation.

The Bible is my primary source for believing in God, for helping to cast my mind towards Who God is and what He is like.
The reason I accept evolution is because it has been shown, by the evidence, to have happened. In the same way that I accept the rotation of the earth. Do you accept the rotation of the earth?
It's not a matter of deciding to just give it up. Would you ask me to give up the idea that the sky is blue? Here's the real deal. A psychological event has happened in my mind - that is, having reviewed the evidence for so many years, watching the evidence accumulate in more and more convincing ways over my life time, I have come to accept the ancient age of the earth and the common descent of all life as a fact about the world in the same way that I have come to accept the facts of the rotation of the earth as the cause of night and day and the orbiting of the earth around the sun as the cause of our years.
Scripture literally states it is the sun that moves around the earth and the earth is steadfast that it cannot be moved.
Neither one of us has a problem accepting scripture as not being necessarily literal on those subjects, though all mankind was of the opinion it was literal, at one time.
What changed our minds was our knowledge of the facts. Knowing as we do that the earth rotates and moves, we simply re-interpret those scripture passages as non-literal and go on accepting scripture as revealing God and our guide for how to get to heaven.
The same thing occurs when the intellect is irresistably illumined by the facts concerning common descent of life and the ancient age of the earth and universe. The reinterpretation of scripture is natural and automatic.
Now I greatly fear some of those who say that facts from nature must always give way to literal statements from scripture and then turn around and accept that the earth rotates and orbits the sun are guilty of fulfilling again the words of our Lord:
Luke 11:46
46 But He said, "Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
Anyway, bear in mind that for many of us the issue is quite simply settled for us by the evidence as factual and please have mercy on the weaker of them who might be kept from coming to the kingdom of God if you talk to them like that.
It's appropriate to use strong language in a forum like this - I'm talking about face to face in a witnessing or church gathering situation.