Dallas gay leaders OK Miers pick
Only known record of her stances on gay rights
surfaces in lesbian’s garage
By David Webb
Staff Writer
President Bush on Monday nominated Dallas native Harriet Ellan Miers to the United States Supreme Court — turning the eyes of the nation on a 16-year-old document stored in the garage of longtime lesbian leader Louise Young.
Bush named Miers, the White House counsel, to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Miers, formerly a prominent Dallas lawyer and a past president of the State Bar of Tex-as, is a longtime, close associate of Bush’s. She has no prior experience as a judge.
When she heard the news of Bush’s nomination, Young re-membered that Miers had appeared before the Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition’s screening committee when Miers ran for the Dallas City Council in 1989. The politician did not ask for the political coalition’s endorsement, but she filled out the questionnaire and spoke to the group.
Rummaging through the storage boxes that she had moved from Dallas to Vermont and back, Young found the document. Its existence has now been reported by virtually every news organization in the country.
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Thats Harriet Ellan Miers my sincere apology perhaps mods could change that for me.