Some of the reaction:
Had it been a BUSH mask, the liberal media would have thought it to be artistic and funny.
Until Obama and the rest of the Democrats continue their assault on the Constitution, I believe the 1st Amendment still exist and people have a right to civil protest. If people would show as much vocal disdain for this shameful president and his highly unethical Administration as they have for this clown act then maybe this country wouldn't be in the mess it's in.
It's actually quite patriotic. People need to go back to school and learn how the government is supposed to work. The President should not be wielding the power this administration is. It is unlawful and out of control. The government should be representing the people. If the people don't like it, time to make a change. A patriot historically has been a "rebel" or "revolutionist", so this clown is completely in-line with being a patriot and exudes patriotism. I applaud them for appropriately expressing dissatisfaction in an 'arena' that the public understood.
While the left gets dizzy blogging and creating talking points about this; MO should hold its head high and continue to demand answers for dead American heroes in Benghazi that continue to be covered up by the Obama administration.
Todd Long
So what! Sounds like they were just having fun, We've seen Mask of Presidents used in all sorts of Jokes/Live on Stage/Hollywood Movies and TV over the years, Obama is by no means exclusive.
George Wells
So who's the clowns now... lighten up it was only in fun .... sheesh!!!
Mary Elizabeth Vinyard Iliff
lol !
Tom Parks
I say GROW UP people, He is the worst leader we have ever had and ANYONE could see that if they got their heads out of the sand long enough to look at our country.
Amy Jo Meekins
If the clown had worn a President Bush mask the liberals above wouldn't have said a word! While I would support Porky Pig in the Whitehouse before Obama, I would say a parody of running down any individual is in poor taste. Let it go already. I wish people would cry out this loud about Obamas lies.
Any one for an efigy burning? I'll bring the matches. :type: