(BOLD MINE) whatever happened to grace plus nothing ? I first heard the gospel in 1973. converted. visited baptist churches. listened to a lot of baptist preachers and missionaries. rejoiced in the grace plus nothing messages. that was what I heard sunday after sunday from the pulpit of that small mission church where I heard the gospel.
then, little by little, some "must-haves" appeared on the horizon.
first, faith.
then, repentance.
then, obedience.
then, this, then, that.
without them, they began saying, "maybe you were never saved, after all".
in that small mission church, they began to talk to me about smoking (I liked to smoke then), then about going to movies (I was a karate-ka, and it was the era of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris and Richard Johnson), then about beer and alcohol, then about this, then about that, then about missing church, then about tithing, then about faith offering, then ...... I began to think I AM unsaved.
Much as I tried, smoking became a struggle, off and on, off and on.....beer and alcohol weren't much of an issue, I left it, and felt, "hey, I must be saved, after all".....then, movies. oh, boy, as much of a struggle as tobacco...then I felt so unholy, so unsaved, I just thought, "dang, can it....I warn't born for heaven, they goin', I ain'....
and I left church, and I left fellowshipping, and went back to crumminess....
grace, plus nothing ?
yeah, right.