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Do you agree with Bill?
Bill Esker
Updated June 29
Studied at University of Akron
What would have happened if Lincoln had allowed the Confederacy to leave and there was not a civil war? What would each country have become in the long term?
Excellent question , and one I have extensively considered . Let's just say in union is strength.
First the South: It is left to go it's own way, and maintains slavery for another 50 years. It's already mainly agrarian, and successful at selling the world cotton and tobacco. That would continue. It would have its own Army and Navy, but without a Civil War, they would remain small. The industrial revolution would be less important, and little in the way of Industry would move South, because of the animosity with the North, and it's revulsion towards slavery. It probably would depend on England for most of it trading, but England would be loath to move any industry there because it had outlawed slavery too. I think it would have been basically the 19th century version of South Africa.
Second, the North: Before the Civil War the industrial revolution was in full swing up north and growing at a prodigious rate. That would continue. Most European immigrants would go there because of opportunity. Trade with the South would end completely for a decade or more, and US goods would be more widely exported. The Northern Army and Navy would continue to grow a little, but would remain fairly small. Midwest and western agriculture , would ramp up even more to make up for southern imports. The St Lawrence seaway would be built sooner as the Great Lakes replaced most of the traffic on the Mississippi. Most of the states West of the Mississippi River would elect to join the US for greater opportunities, other than Texas, which would stay CSA . Railroads from the North would assure that.
After the turn of the century it gets a bit hazier. If slavery ends in the South, the US might even recombine in some form. Think of East and West Germany. So perhaps it once again becomes a world power after a couple of World Wars. One thing for certain , is a divided US/CS would be far weaker than a United States of America. Thank you Mr. Lincoln !
Do you agree with Bill?
Bill Esker
Updated June 29
Studied at University of Akron
What would have happened if Lincoln had allowed the Confederacy to leave and there was not a civil war? What would each country have become in the long term?
Excellent question , and one I have extensively considered . Let's just say in union is strength.
First the South: It is left to go it's own way, and maintains slavery for another 50 years. It's already mainly agrarian, and successful at selling the world cotton and tobacco. That would continue. It would have its own Army and Navy, but without a Civil War, they would remain small. The industrial revolution would be less important, and little in the way of Industry would move South, because of the animosity with the North, and it's revulsion towards slavery. It probably would depend on England for most of it trading, but England would be loath to move any industry there because it had outlawed slavery too. I think it would have been basically the 19th century version of South Africa.
Second, the North: Before the Civil War the industrial revolution was in full swing up north and growing at a prodigious rate. That would continue. Most European immigrants would go there because of opportunity. Trade with the South would end completely for a decade or more, and US goods would be more widely exported. The Northern Army and Navy would continue to grow a little, but would remain fairly small. Midwest and western agriculture , would ramp up even more to make up for southern imports. The St Lawrence seaway would be built sooner as the Great Lakes replaced most of the traffic on the Mississippi. Most of the states West of the Mississippi River would elect to join the US for greater opportunities, other than Texas, which would stay CSA . Railroads from the North would assure that.
After the turn of the century it gets a bit hazier. If slavery ends in the South, the US might even recombine in some form. Think of East and West Germany. So perhaps it once again becomes a world power after a couple of World Wars. One thing for certain , is a divided US/CS would be far weaker than a United States of America. Thank you Mr. Lincoln !