After the massive fraud that installed Biden et al, a Convention of the States is the only peaceful means, barring an act of God, of restoring our Republic and turning back the tide of despotism.Lets suppose there was a movement to replace our COTUS
1) would it be constitutional to do so?
2) if a new one was to be written - what would be the approval?
A) Both houses of Congress and with signature of the POTUS
(just a simple majority- or would one House have to be a certian %?
B) same as "A" except no signature by POTUS needed
3) Approval of a certain amount of States/Commonwealths (what %)
if so - would the Gov also have to sign the legislation?
4) Combination of 2) & 3)
5) Popular vote? Simple majority or higher?
6) Other
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Not saying the Dems would be peaceful. There would be bloodshed anyway, because there's nothing the Dems won't do if they think they can get away with it, to keep their power.
They get to riot and mount insurrections and murder and pillage with impunity.