You may be right, but I am hopeful. I know people who do without health care because they don't make near enough to purchase it, and their employers don't offer it. Maybe it will provide them the care they need.
RAdam is right Robert. We don't need more government to solve our health care problems, we need less government. The reason the health care industry is getting more expensive is because of all the regulations that the government puts on them.
They don't make an unreasonable percentage of profit compared to other businesses, but in order to afford to stay in business they have to charge what the market demands. Why do you suppose the market demands higher costs?
1. The Insurance companies are money hungry beasts who want to take advantage of people (may be true for some, but at least we have the choice to leave that company and go with another one, which will not be the case when the government...a hunger beast in its own the only health care choice.)
2. The government has regulated the Insurance companies so they cannot compete across state lines thus lessoning competition which drives down costs.
3. The government refuses to pass tort reform allowing lawyers to sue doctors for astronomical fees which are paid by Insurance Companies... in return they must raise premiums so that they don't go out of business.
4. The government taxes Insurance companies because some in Congress believe it is evil for a company to make profits.
Now, you tell me which of these might actually be causing Health Care costs to go out of control.