It boils down to whether a less than .02% risk is worth saving 67,150,000 human lives.
at risk of incurring some serious adverse effects.
Kinda omitted that ... and you're assuming this data is correct in the first place. I'm suspect of that data BIGLY, especially given the total death count hasn't increased beyond statistical deviation from the previous 10 years. So this indicates death causes are shifted to CV. The deaths haven't been increased by CV. some have apparently died who wouldn't otherwise have, to be sure, but the MAGNITUDE of this is the measure ...
meanwhile adverse effects are disregarded by those who advocate for the cv jab. now 10K in the US alone ... and arguably MUCH higher, but just 10K deaths by the cv jab. for a disease which is almost 100% survivable by relatively healthy and relatively young people.
Just doesn't pass the smell test, Jon. Especially when it's been shown repeatedly ... the cv jab isn't preventing infection NOR transmission. Far more breakthrough cases than reinfections.