There are several eras I'd like to visit, but only if I could do it
temporarily. Why? I am too spoiled by our modern conveniences!
Did anyone see the Victorian House show that was on PBS not long ago? A modern family attempted to live in an authentic Victorian house for just a few months,I believe. The stipulation: they had to live EXACTLY as a Victorian family would have lived,with NO modern conveniences at all.
I only saw an episode or two, but it was interesting how stressful it was to do simple things like take a bath, bake a cake or wash some clothes.
Also, I think we would find that everyone would smell pretty bad by our standards. In most eras in the past, people bathed very infrequently. With no air conditioning, dry cleaning or antiperspirants, I think it might get kind of funky.
Still, I wouldn't mind jetting back for a day in pre-Civil War America or Victorian England.