New Member
And listened, you would have thought you were in a traditional Baptist Church or at least the preaching.
Yesterday I went with family to a church that I have never attended before. I couldn't tell who was putting on the concert and I failed to get my cup of coffee before the show began. I wonder if they serve muffins too.
During the concert, show goers were free to go back and forth retrieving additional cups of coffee so that their worship going experience would be caffine laced and "driven".
All of the men who participated in the service, worship leader, the four guitarists, one rather large man singing 10 feet from the microphone, the associate pastor, and the pastor wore the same type of clothing. Long sleeve button up shirt and blue jeans (trendy pair of blue jeans, not wranglers, which would have typically been the norm for this community).
As the show wrapped up the rather upbeat, energetic, middle aged pastor took center stage partially hidden by a wooden cross pulpit.
If you would have just heard the message, on the radio, by closing your eyes, but anything to remove the visual side of things and focus on the word that was presented, you would have left the church with the blessing as it should have been. The pastor was more concerned about meeting time constraints than giving it to the congregation. He turned up the heat a little towards the end, but I think that was lost.
The hussle and bussle of the church, the madness that insued following the congregation partaking in the Lord's Supper. Even that was rushed and not given the time it needed. For conservation of time, the cups were served together one on top of the other, as not to consume too much of our Sunday afternoon. I am not sure if the Pastor knew that football season hasn't begun yet.
Just my thoughts or observations, I got something out of the message and also got run over on my way to the nusery by seven pre-teen boys wanting to get another cup of "joe" before the ride home......
Yesterday I went with family to a church that I have never attended before. I couldn't tell who was putting on the concert and I failed to get my cup of coffee before the show began. I wonder if they serve muffins too.
During the concert, show goers were free to go back and forth retrieving additional cups of coffee so that their worship going experience would be caffine laced and "driven".
All of the men who participated in the service, worship leader, the four guitarists, one rather large man singing 10 feet from the microphone, the associate pastor, and the pastor wore the same type of clothing. Long sleeve button up shirt and blue jeans (trendy pair of blue jeans, not wranglers, which would have typically been the norm for this community).
As the show wrapped up the rather upbeat, energetic, middle aged pastor took center stage partially hidden by a wooden cross pulpit.
If you would have just heard the message, on the radio, by closing your eyes, but anything to remove the visual side of things and focus on the word that was presented, you would have left the church with the blessing as it should have been. The pastor was more concerned about meeting time constraints than giving it to the congregation. He turned up the heat a little towards the end, but I think that was lost.
The hussle and bussle of the church, the madness that insued following the congregation partaking in the Lord's Supper. Even that was rushed and not given the time it needed. For conservation of time, the cups were served together one on top of the other, as not to consume too much of our Sunday afternoon. I am not sure if the Pastor knew that football season hasn't begun yet.
Just my thoughts or observations, I got something out of the message and also got run over on my way to the nusery by seven pre-teen boys wanting to get another cup of "joe" before the ride home......