Which is why abortion on demand is still legal. No one cares at the ballot box any more, and pols know this. They want more money in their pocket before they want the unborn protected.
That said, what you're asking is what would POTUS do. POTUS can't eliminate abortion by himself/herself.
In order:
I would actually take the Constitutional oath seriously. I would actually take the Constitution seriously. I would thus automatically be the first of my ilk in at least two decades.
I would do all in my power to overturn Roe V Wade and would work with Congress to draft a Sanctity of HUman life amendment to the Constitution (which is rendundant, but probably needs to be done just to appease Ron Paul and his ilk).
I would abolish our current tax structure and implement a flat tax, or a Fair Tax if they'd get rid of the silly pre-bate.
I would set about a slashing course that would make people's heads spin. NEA would be gone in a heartbeat. DOE would be next. Entitlement reform would be next. I'd work to slash the size of fed govt and a return to a citizen congress the framers intended.
I would take a portion of what we saved and set aside for military pay increases and for funding military infrastructure.
I'd bring our military home.
I'd fire Bernanke. No Keynesyian would head the Fed. I'd keep some around on the COEA just for fun though :smilewinkgrin:
SarbOx, CORA, and Marked to market would be in my sights. As would TARP, TAGP, et.al. I would commission a study on returning to the gold standard. I'm not convinced one way or the other yet. I know the comic books say it'd fix everything in America, but the grownups need to weigh in and dismissing the idea outright is as foolish as drinking Golden Kool Aid.
And I'd EO a playoff for College football and EO a reinstitution of the first MLB game of the season be played in Cincinnati, thereby sealing my electoral victory in the next election
Speaking of Cincinnati, I'd do what was almost done once - move the capital there. Makes more sense nowadays to have your capital in the heartland than on the coast.
Obviously, Part of this is a wish list - going by the Constitution means you can't do a lot of what we'd want to do.