Well-Known Member
I agree with your conclusion, and am going to vote for Romney. What I think of Romney is different than your idea, however. I believe neither man (Obama or Romney) to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
I did not say he Romney was a follower of Jesus Christ. I simply believe his lifestyle is closer to that taught by Jesus Christ than that of Obama.
I think Mormonism is a greater threat to the Christian church than the Catholic.
I am not sure that I agree. Mormonism does not have the history of persecution of Christians that the RC has.
My basis for voting for Romney is that I believe he will do less damage than Obama. I do believe it is possible that Romney has changed his ideas on gay rights and abortion, but not so sure. The thing is, there is no chance that Obama will change his mind.
We are talking about what if senarios, and this one might illustrate our differences, because in this case, we come to the same conslusion. If Jimmy Carter was running against Mitt Romney, I would vote for Carter. Just as a side note, I voted for Reagan over Carter.
I said four years ago McCain was the bottom of the barrel and ate my words, because now we have Romney and I am voting for him. I hesitate to say this is the last time, but will, because I do not see how the standards could get any lower.
I agree with much of what you say. It is a sad fact, however, that sometimes we are forced to make a choice! The Republican party has more talent than the field this year. They chose not to run.