Active Member
You would think that because of my age (25 as of the 3rd of this month..yey me!!) /generation I'd be more attracted to the whole modern day church that is on the opposite end of the spectrum from IFB lifestyle..but i love it..
I left the church when i was 17..actually.. i left the christian life all together you'd think...starting modeling (indecently..swimsuit, imports), acting,, go-go dancing, and nightclub promoting...I was a wild one haha..
I lived with my boyfriend, and drank ..alot... the Lord started pulling me in again..and we started going to this church down the street..its considered a "non-denominational" type church.. they have a band, worship and praise contemporary christian style, the pastors wife is also a "pastor".... and although part of me thought it was cool because it was a lively and fun didnt seem right to me deep down inside.. this was also the church where my then-boyfriend, now husband..was saved..but that was pretty much as far as it went for him.. he/we did not start growing spiritually until we started going to the church i grew up in and had left..IFB church..i felt at home again..
now if you see my husband (i have photos in my profile) he is definitely not your average looking IFB church member..but our church family welcomed him from the start and made him feel at home..
our pastor always says this "There are 2 things you should get when you go to a church..that is the word of God, and the love of his church".. and thats exactly what our church exemplifies..
I like the purity of things in the traditional IFB setting..and a lot of the modern "contemporary" christian music and styles remind me a little too much of the club music and styles i was immersed in at one point...i hear some of the christian "rock" songs and I can automatically point out which ungodly rock band it reminds me of..and sometimes even hear an ungodly song that this christian rock song sounds like..thats even more reason for me to stay away..because i am constantly struggling with my flesh..and every now and then I think about "how fun" it was being in the world..Its hard enough being at the mall or at a store .. i dont really need to get reminded at church too.. lol...
overall..i'll stop rambling now... i dont understand why people make a big deal out of the traditional setting of IFB..from my experience.. my IFB church is not trying to be more appealing to the world by changing up the music to be "modern".. (galations 1:10 is a great verse by the way!).. they "keep it real" lol.. I dont see anything wrong with trying to live a pure and holy lifestyle.. some people dont think that's cool..but the bible wasn't made to be cool or appealing... we wont ever be perfect, but we as christian should strive to get as close to Jesus' example as possible..He showed us its possible..and what some of you call "legalistic" to me is just striving to be holy, and not conforming to the blurred lines that today's "contemporary christian" outlook has..
I'm not trying to judge anyone who is into the whole contemporary thing, but seems like there are so many who are contemporary that like bashing IFBs and how we live our lives
I'm glad for you. One thing I've learned is that the way God chooses to work doesn't have to be restricted only to the way I think God should work. Like raising hands... in my previous church that would be the weirdest thing to do. You'd definately realize real quick that "we don't do that 'round here!".