JamesL said this in the 'Mods nod' thread...
So, I am one of those dumb Calvinists. I am thankful you are here, JamesL to teach me about the fall.
1) What all does the fall entail?
2) Who died in the fall?
3) What became of Adam's posterity post-fall?
4) What is the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent?
5) What was symbolic of the 'coat of skins'?
I am a dumb ole Calvinist, so teach me, please?
And I can tell you one thing, both sides of that debate are heavy on philosophy(sic), yet dust deep in the scriptures.
So, I am one of those dumb Calvinists. I am thankful you are here, JamesL to teach me about the fall.
1) What all does the fall entail?
2) Who died in the fall?
3) What became of Adam's posterity post-fall?
4) What is the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent?
5) What was symbolic of the 'coat of skins'?
I am a dumb ole Calvinist, so teach me, please?