The reason aggressive confrontation is increasing....
The illegal visitors are more confrontational, like members on this board are becoming with hurtful sarcasm and insults, is because rules and policies and laws are not being enforced.
When people discover that they can get away with this, like marching down streets (blocking traffic) singing songs and screaming chats calling for dead cops, they will do it more and more.
And because the man at the top (obama) does not allow law enforcement officers in cities, counties states and on the borders, to do the job, they swore an oath to do, they too become less and less affective. And when these same law enforcement officials feel that their superiors will not back them up should they be involved in a confrontation; they would rather eat to donuts through their shift than face being killed, or worse yet dragged through the mud of public scorn and face being placed in front of a jury of their peers, and not only lose their career, but maybe end up in jail!
This is called watering down the laws, and pulling the legs out from underneath the Constitution, and showing that anarchy and lawless are permitted in a nation where laws once were in place to protect those who respect the laws. Value the sanctity of anothers right to live. And not to destroy or steal the property of others! :tear: :tear: :tear:
The Amnerica that once was, is slowly becoming an America that our framers of the Constitttution would be willing to take up arms for and fight and die to preserve!