I agree with most of your major points. The point was made in relation to the president's skin colour. The current make up of Congress would not impeach and convict him even if he was white. Failure to impeach and convict is not a race issue.
I partially agree with you. History has shown that impeachment and a failure to convict is typical. Albeit, Johnson was not guilty in the first place and yet was acquitted by just a handful of votes. That's a scarey thing.
I see failure to impeach President Obama is based on more than one thing:
- The fact of his skin color - no one wants an "O.J.-Rodney King" frenzied and factioned national uproar. And with Oprah Winfrey recently declaring that "ANY criticism of President Obama stems from race" - well, impeachment of President Obama would not be in the best interest of the people who would have to endure the holy bedlam that a trial would bring.
- The fact that internal chaos on the level of impeachment (with odds favoring acquittal anyway - historically speaking) makes our nation looker even weaker. The impeachment of President Clinton was harmful to the nation. It made us more cynical and bitter. The whole process seemed so much like a farce.
- The fact that Joe Biden would become president.
- And the fact that the Democrats understand that taking down their own man means that they don't stand much of a chance in 2016 convincing the American people that now that have the right man. Sort of like "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". Impeachment just isn't politically sound if you want to put the same party back into office.