Not really. The first two are basic Baptist beliefs. The last three are covered in the forum rules.
We don't do mind melds, so I guess you could hide it. People here believe in the Bible. It's a fundamental characteristic of being Baptist.
We don't deny all errors in transcription. You can see my post about that here:
The Seven Days of Creation
But no, you can't say that Paul wasn't inspired by God and therefore LGBT is ok.
You aren't allowed to deny the inspiration of Judges because it gets too gruesome.
You can't say the Exodus account is fictional and completely made up.
You can't say that the Bible was corrupted and the Quran is likely the true book.
etc., etc., etc.
Liberal Theologians do his all the time. They really don't believe in any of it and they feign belief in order to sell books and make money as professors, pastors, and administrators.
Liberal Theologians are worse than atheists.