For those of you that may be interested in articles that speak to why "Fullerism" is considered to be in error, here is one I ran across sometime ago:
What is the Problem with Fullerism? - Elder Joe Holder
While I don't agree with everything said, I do agree with the core of it.
Another site that promotes material for "Strict, Particular Baptists", and their section on what they think of Andrew Fuller's teachings:
The Association of Historic Baptists » Fullerism
Again, while I'm not sure I can stand fully behind everything this site states, I agree with the core of what is stated about Fuller's teachings and other things I have taken the time to look at.
I happen to believe that a solid understanding of how "Total Depravity", election and Christ's atonement are described and how they all interact with one another, goes a
long way towards understanding why Andrew Fuller's teachings on inability, cannot be true.
At the end of the day, my only reason for addressing this subject is to point to Scripture, and to point to what is being taught "as Scriptural" versus what I see it teaching, and tell someone why I don't believe it to be Scriptural.
From my perspective, the
teachings are what need to be addressed, with no "ad hominem" involved, nor posting the teacher's name "up in lights and blazoning it all over the place" that he or she is a "false teacher".
That determination should be made by the
individual, and even then, only to "mark and avoid" ( Romans 16:17 ) them.
I don't see anywhere in Scripture that believers are given leave to seek to damage someone's reputation or otherwise be nasty to them or about them.
I see nowhere in God's word that anyone who is considered by an opposing person or group, should have their names or reputations
dragged through the mud, and attacked with so much hatred or sensational language like what I see on so many websites today.
We as Christ's sheep should be sober, watchful, and ever-discerning.
If we think something is in error, I see no reason not to address it from the point of Scripture, carefully evaluate it, and then accept or reject it from a personal standpoint.
Telling others my opinion shouldn't be "off the table", but public slander and libel, vitriol, castigation and lambasting?
That's off the table.
Some here, given what I have written, may or may not believe that I'm already guilty of some of this... But it was
never my intention to portray Andrew Fuller in a poor light...
Just that I consider him to have been in error, and why.
What I'm finding, the older I get, is that when it comes to disagreements, what we see as error in doctrines should always be the primary focus.
But at the same time, let us leave off treating each other like animals, shall we?
I realize that many of us are passionate about what we believe about the Bible and why, and that's all well and good...but in the process, we really should consider how the Lord wants us to behave, towards both those that are Christ's, and "them that are without".
I believe without a doubt, that It's more important for us to obey Him and His commands, then it is to "be right" at the expense of any person we may disagree with.
May God, in His amazing grace, bless each and every one of you with gifts designed to make you see how very much He loves His children.