That's got nothing to do with the likelihood of Blacks to commit homicide.
Got me. I didn't know anyone had done such a study :laugh:
We know what your idea of facts and probabilities are: the fact that blacks commit more homicides has "nothing to do with the likelihood of blacks to commit homicide," but you have stated that Republicans hate or care nothing about minorities. yet admit that you know of no such study which indicates such.

As a Christian, I say a definite no. I am never amazed at how far loving your enemies goes.
It didn't go to Jesus patronizing the crooked moneychangers, but instead driving them out with a whip and knocking over their tables with animals for sale. It didn't go to Peter patting Simon the Sorcerer on the head, but instead announcing a curse upon him. Are you amazed at those?
He doesn't HAVE to do anything.
He has to do something to run a successful business.
Tell him you don't bake cakes for anyone with swastikas on top so please choose something else.
What if that 'something else' is "Heil Hitler?" The question is: does he have to business at all with the guy. Obviously, "love your enemies" does not apply to Jews, who, by the scriptures they know, are not required or expected to do that.
I think a Christian should be more inclined to serve someone who says they hate them.
Like the moneychangers or Simon the sorcerer? Why don't we serve bin Laden and the isis filth by converting as they demand?