Did you have any reservations about getting the shot? I would like to see a vaccination thread where vaccinated BB members can check in and give periodic updates, maybe every 3 or four days on how they are feeling, suspected side effects or if feeling great, just say so. When my wife asked if I thought she should get the shot, I told her to go ahead if she wants to, but thought it would be best to wait a year and a half to see how most vaccinated folks are making out.
I take the COVID threat seriously by taking large doses of D3, zinc, and vitamin C twice daily. I am not too keen on getting the shot.
Good luck with your decision to get vaccinated.
I didn't have any particular reservations about receiving the shot...I did get immunized. I asked my Primary Care Physician (Who, BTW, is a very dedicated Christian physician and has often times used his "vacations" to go to such under-served nations as Haiti and/or served in his MD capacity with such organizations as Doctors w/out Borders, etc.) what his opinion on this would be & he said, as a basically shut-in 75 YO person, for yourself there are 2 options: (1) Take the shot to keep from giving and/or receiving Covid-19 from others that you may run into, such as at a church worship service wherein you may have some close contact with a visitor from "Who-Knows-Where," or fellowshipping with a member who has a large number of folks in his/her brood. etc. These are some rather realistic situations that I've already faced, and even our Lead Pastor & his wife were out for a few days with probably Covid-19 in their systems. Thank the Lord that both were able to overcome these symptoms, but they still are somewhat hesititent to give their friends "A Great-Big Hug." Maybe I am erroring on the of caution too much, but IMHO I don't personally think so. I don't wear a mask at home when there's no one around, but once I go outside for any length of time, I do put one on. My church
www.lighhousenashville.org has this past week gone back to our usual 10:15 am worship service and/or monthly "Youth Services" and for the younger (4th grade & under) our "Kidz Services," both of which do usually stay in our auditorium for the singing & general announcements, but then they quietly go with their parents and/or the workers in their respective "Churches." Moreover, LCF has provided a separate section of her auditorium for those who wish to wear masks (such as I do) during the worship services & recommend that those in the "Non-Mask" sections to try to keep at least 6' from another family. This seems to be a reasonable approach for the time being. Metro-Nashville/Davidson County's Mayor John Cooper has relaxed the mandate for mask-wearing except in crowded places (i.e., "Lower Broad Street" and our July 4th fireworks along the Cumberland River) are still under the mask mandate for the time being, but both are subject to be either modified and/or changed depending on how many people they expect to be in these otherwise crowded circumstances (& Mayor Cooper I'm told is a registered Democrat.) TN's GOP Governor, Bill Lee, has pretty much left mask-wearing up to each of TN's cities and/or our 97 county mayors (Some of them are D's, & some are R's), for them to decide. The only other exception of which I've heard are the Federally-operated facilities throughout the state. Since these are Federally-operated entities, they still must comply with Federal guidelines. Overall, though, when you contrast TN's approach, the Volunteer State's decision(s) on this matter seems far better than that of, say, NY & CA.